Sony 9-pin cable

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Todo: This page needs some editing.

RS-422 differential serial used by the professional video industry for control of tape decks, disk recorders, and other devices.


Standard cable


9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Controller.


9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Device.

D-Sub 1 Dir Name Description
1 Arrow.png GND Frame Ground
2 Arrowl.png RX-A Receive A
3 Arrowr.png TX-B Transmit B
4 Arrow.png TX-GND Transmit Ground
5 n/c
6 Arrow.png Rx-GND Receive Ground
7 Arrowl.png RX-B Receive B
8 Arrowr.png TX-A Transmit A
9 n/c

Note: Direction is Controller relative Device.

Note 2: Pin 9 may also be GND, Frame Ground.

Crossed "Invert"


9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Controller.


9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Device.

2 8
3 7
4 4
6 6
7 3
8 2
Pin Dir Name Description
1 Arrow.png GND Frame Ground
2 Arrowr.png TX-A Transmit A
3 Arrowl.png RX-B Receive B
4 Arrow.png RX-GND Receive Ground
5 n/c
6 Arrow.png Tx-GND Transmit Ground
7 Arrowr.png TX-B Transmit B
8 Arrowl.png RX-A Receive A
9 n/c

Note: Direction is Device relative Controller.

Note 2: Pin 9 may also be GND, Frame Ground.

