Jaguar DSP

From HwB

Revision as of 16:59, 7 February 2007 by Joakim (Talk | contribs)
Todo: This page needs some editing.

Available at Atari Jaguar.


1A  6A (component side)
======                 (at the Jaguar)
1B  6B (solder side)

12 PIN EDGE MALE at the Console.

Pin Name Description
1A U15 GND Ground
2A SCK  ?
3A WS  ?
4A TxD Transmit
5A RxD Receive
6A U15 GND  ?
1B VCC  ?
2B UART0  ?
3B UART1  ?
4B NC  ?
5B NC  ?
6B  ?  ?

