CD32 TP9

From HwB

Revision as of 15:27, 27 January 2007 by Joakim (Talk | contribs)

Available on Commodore Amiga CD32.


  ** <-Kickstart-ROM
| **      AKIKO-chip
| **     /
|     __
|    |  |     :<*TP9*
|    |__|     :
|             :
|      ---     ----
|______| |_____|
^     ^^^^^    ^
1   Exp.port   182


|o| 1
|o| 10
Pin Signal Equivalent at Expansion port.
1  ?
2  ?
3  ?
5 HSYNC 159
5 VSYNC 160
6 RED 163 & 164
7 GREEN 165 & 166
8 BLUE 167 & 168
9 CSYNC 157
10 GND 161 & 162

The RGB-signals come from the D/A-conversion-unit and lead directly to the expansion-port. These signals are, however, *not* amplified. In addition they are weakened by the (s-)video output-unit. As a result I (aim to) insert a 47 Ohm-resistor to each colour-signal connection. You may also reduce the load by interrupting the signal- supply to the (s-) video unit. Set pin 174 of the expansion port to GND to achieve that. (174-->u36 (4066) signal-switches)

The SYNC-signals connected to the exp.port are unbuffered. As a result you may re-synchronize your amiga by an external tact source. You should at least buffer the CSYNC-line; there is no external synchronisation possible on this pin.

Hint: make use of an XOR-Gate chip. You may negate certain SYNC-line(s) to adapt your amiga to (old? :-( multiscan-monitors. (the A4000 monitor adapter box will do the same; w/o the possibility of selected negation)
