Sony 9-pin cable

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RS-422 differential serial used by the professional video industry for control of tape decks, disk recorders, and other devices.


Standard cable


9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Controller.


9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Device.

To Controller Dir To Device
Pin Name Name Pin
2 RX-A Arrowl.png TX-A 2
7 RX-B Arrowl.png TX-B 7
6 Rx-GND Arrow.png TX-GND 6
8 TX-A Arrowr.png RX-A 8
3 TX-B Arrowr.png RX-B 3
4 TX-GND Arrow.png RX-GND 4

Note: Use pin 6 as shield for 2 & 7. Use pin 4 as sheild for 8 & 3.

Crossed (Inverted)

9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Controller.


9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the Device.

To Controller/Device Dir To Controller/Device
Pin Name Name Pin
2 RX-A Arrowl.png TX-A 8
7 RX-B Arrowl.png TX-B 3
6 Rx-GND Arrow.png TX-GND 4
8 TX-A Arrowr.png RX-A 2
3 TX-B Arrowr.png RX-B 7
4 TX-GND Arrow.png RX-GND 6

Cable used to connect two machines of same type, like a crossed cable or a nullmodem cable.

