PC Engine Expansion

From HwB

Revision as of 22:36, 7 February 2007 by Joakim (Talk | contribs)
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Available at PC Engine.


 1                     23
Pin Name Description
A1 SNDL Audio Left output
A2 Vout Voltage out. The PC Engine supplies +5v to peripherals.
A3 VS  ?
A4 A18 Address bit 18
A5 A14 Address bit 14
A6 A9 Address bit 9
A7 A10 Address bit 10
A8 D1 Data bit 1
A9 DCK Dot/Pixel Clock (5.36 / 7.16 / 10.73 MHz)
A10 VSn Vertical Sync
A11 Vin Voltage in. You can power the PC Engine form this port. Note that power supplied through these pins bypasses the power switch, so the system will be ON regardless of switch position.
A12 VD8 ViDeo Bus: high for sprite/border pixels, low for background pixels (for genlock, or LaserActive use?)
A13 VD7 ViDeo Bus: palette value bit 7
A14 Vin Voltage in. You can power the PC Engine form this port. Note that power supplied through these pins bypasses the power switch, so the system will be ON regardless of switch position.
A15 VD5 ViDeo Bus: palette value bit 5
A16 VD4 ViDeo Bus: palette value bit 4
A17 VD3 ViDeo Bus: pixel value bit 3
A18 VD2 ViDeo Bus: pixel value bit 2
A19 VD1 ViDeo Bus: pixel value bit 1
A20 VD0 ViDeo Bus: pixel value bit 0
A21 GND Ground
A22 Vid
A23 Red Red Video
B1 SNDin Audio In
B2 CDD CD Detect (AKA K7, Input Bit 7)
B3 HSM High Speed Mode
B4 /WR Read / Write
B5 **
B6 A8 Address bit 8
B7 /OE Output Enable
B8 D0 Data bit 0
B9 D3 Data bit 3
B10 D5 Data bit 5
B11 HSn Horizontal Sync
B12 A0 Address bit 0
B13 A2 Address bit 2
B14 VD6 ViDeo Bus: palette value bit 6
B15 A5 Address bit 5
B16 A7 Address bit 7
B17 A12 Address bit 12
B18 A16 Address bit 16
B19 /CE Chip Enable
B20 IRQ1 Interrupt 1
B21 IRQ2 Interrupt 2
B22 /RST Reset
B23 Grn Green Video
C1 SNDR Audio Right output
C2 GND Ground
C3 HuD HuCard Detect
C5 A17 Address bit 17
C6 A13 Address bit 13
C7 A11 Address bit 11
C8 GND Ground
C9 D2 Data bit 2
C10 D4 Data bit 4
C11 D6 Data bit 6
C12 D7 Data bit 7
C13 A1 Address bit 1
C14 A3 Address bit 3
C15 A4 Address bit 4
C16 A6 Address bit 6
C17 GND Ground
C18 A15 Address bit 15
C19 A19 Address bit 19
C20 GND Ground
C21 Vout Voltage out. The PC Engine supplies +5v to peripherals.
C22 Sync Sync Video
C23 Blu Blue Video

