Jaguar to S-Video
From HwB
12 PIN ?? to the Atari.
4 PIN MINI-DIN FEMALE at the peripheral.
PHONO MALE to the Amplifier (Left).
PHONO MALE to the Amplifier (Right).
S-Video Cable ##\ /---(##- P2 RCA Male (Red) ### / P1 ###>>--(Shielded cable)-----<-----(##- P3 RCA Male (White) ### \ ___ ##/ \---<## P4 4 pin SVHS 3/. .\4 Jaguar Mini-DIN 1| . . |2 Plug Male \_=_/ (front) Conn Pin Signal Conn Pin +----+--------+--------------+----+-----+ P2 Center Right Audio P1 01B P2 Shell Audio Ground P1 02B P3 Center Left Audio P1 01A P3 Shell Audio Ground P1 02A P4 1 Luma Ground P1 07B P4 3 Luma P1 08B P4 4 Chroma P1 08A P4 2 Chroma Ground P1 04A P4 Shell Not Connected P1 N/A