SG-1000 Cartridge

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Revision as of 16:40, 2 January 2007 by Joakim (Talk | contribs)
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Available at Sega SG-1000, SC-3000 & Master System (Japanese & Korean),


Front B1                 B22
      ======================  (at Cartridge)
Back  A1                 A22
Back  A1                 A22
      ======================  (at Console)
Front B1                 B22
Pin Dir Name Description
A1 Arrowr.png A0 Address bit0
A2 Arrowr.png A1 Address bit1
A3 Arrowr.png A2 Address bit2
A4 Arrowr.png A3 Address bit3
A5 Arrowr.png A4 Address bit4
A6 Arrowr.png A5 Address bit5
A7 Arrowr.png A6 Address bit6
A8 Arrowr.png A7 Address bit7
A9 Arrowr.png A8 Address bit8
A10 Arrowr.png A9 Address bit9
A11 Arrowr.png A10 Address bit10
A12 Arrowr.png A11 Address bit11
A13 Arrowr.png A12 Address bit12
A14 Arrowr.png A13 Address bit13
A15 Arrowlr.png D0 Data bit0
A16 Arrowlr.png D1 Data bit1
A17 Arrowlr.png D2 Data bit2
A18 Arrowlr.png D3 Data bit3
A19 Arrowlr.png D4 Data bit4
A20 Arrowlr.png D5 Data bit5
A21 Arrowlr.png D6 Data bit6
A22 Arrowlr.png D7 Data bit7
B1 Arrowr.png +5V Power +5V
B2 Arrowr.png /CSCN4 Power +5V
B3  ? /CSRAM  ?
B4  ? /EXM1 Memory 8000-BFFF
B5  ? Arrowr.png /RD Read
B6  ? Arrowr.png /WR Write
B7  ? /IORD I/O Read
B8  ? /IOWR I/O Write
B9  ? /RFSH Refresh
B10  ? /MREQ  ? Cartridge Output Enable
B11  ? /CONT  ?
B12  ? /RAS0  ?
B13  ? /CAS0  ?
B14  ? CA7  ?
B15  ? /RAS1  ?
B16  ? /CAS1  ?
B17  ? /RCSEL  ?
B18 Arrowr.png A14 Address bit14
B19 Arrowr.png A15 Address bit15
B20  ? /EXM2 Memory 0000-7FFF ?
B21 Arrow.png GND Ground
B22 Arrow.png GND Ground

Note: Direction is Console relative Cartridge



  • Japanese and South Korean consoles use 44-pin cartridges, same shape as Mark I and Mark II
  • All other consoles use 50-pin cartridges with a different shape
  • The difference in cartridge style is a form of regional lockout
