Vectrex Cartridge

From HwB

Revision as of 22:53, 2 January 2007 by Joakim (Talk | contribs)
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Available at Vectrex console.


Pin Description
2 Vcc +5VDC
3 A7
4 Vcc +5VDC
5 A6
6 A8
7 A5
8 A9
9 A4
10 A11
11 A3
12 *OE Inverted copy of 'E' clock from CPU. Valid CPU access when E is high
13 A2
14 A10
15 A1
16 *CE A15 from CPU according to the nut. ;) However, the commercial carts I've seen use this line for chip enable.
17 A0
18 D7
19 D0
20 D6
21 D1
22 D5
23 D2
24 D4
25 GND
26 D3
27 GND
28 GND
29 A12
30 R/*W Note: unused on many carts
31 A13
32 *CART Active low Cartridge enable - low when E is high and A15 low. Although I verified that it seems to work, many carts do not use it.
33 A14
34 *NMI
35  ? Port B, Bit 6 of the 6522 PIA (software controlled line)
36 *IRQ

