Wii to SCART

From HwB

Revision as of 19:06, 24 June 2007 by Joakim (Talk | contribs)
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Cable for connecting Nintendo Wii to a TV with SCART connection.

This will only work on PAL Wii, since NTSC Wii doesn't output RGB.


 / 15       1  |
|  ==========  |
 \ 16       2  |
  -------------+ (at Cable)


21 PIN SCART MALE at the Cable.

Wii side Wire color SCART side
Pin Name Pin Name
1 L Purple 6 L
2 R Brown 2 R
3 Composite Video/Sync Black 20 Composite Video/Sync
4 +5VDC Blue (with 100Ω resistor) 16 Fast switching
5 GND Copper braid 17 Video GND
6 GND Copper braid 17 Video GND
7 Red Orange 15 Red
9 Green Green 11 Green
11 Blue Yellow 7 Blue
12 GND Copper braid 17 Video GND
13 ~6V/12V Red 8 16:9 / 4:3 switching

There has been reports that NTSC Wii outputs +12VDC all the time on pin 13, instead of +6VDC for 16:9 and +12VDC for 4:3.

                              2.2kΩ           2.2kΩ
Pin 13 at Wii (+12VDC) -------RRR------+------RRR------ Pin 12 at Wii (GND)
                              Pin 8 at SCART (Switching)

2.2k resistor is a good value because it doesn't draw too much current even if loaded with 10k from the SCART, the voltage doesn't fall outside of the spec.

