From HwB

Revision as of 19:45, 22 February 2011 by Uwezi (Talk | contribs)
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ICSP=In Circuit Serial Programming
ISP=In System Programming

Atmel AVR 8-bit microprocessors.


Pinout (10 pin)

2   10
..... (at the device/CPU)
1   9


10 PIN IDC MALE at the device/CPU.


10 PIN IDC FEMALE at the cable/programmer.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 MOSI Arrowl.png Master Out Slave In
2 +5V Arrow.png target supply voltage
3 LED or n/c Arrowl.png programming in progress
4 GND Arrow.png Signal ground
5 RESET Arrowl.png target Reset
6 GND Arrow.png Signal ground
7 SCK Arrowl.png Serial Clock
8 GND Arrow.png Signal ground
9 MISO Arrowr.png Master In Slave Out
10 GND Arrow.png Signal ground

Note: Direction is target (CPU) relative programmer (PC)

Pinout (6 pin)

2 6
... (at the device/CPU)
1 5


6 PIN IDC MALE at the CPU.


6 PIN IDC FEMALE at the cable/programmer.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 MISO Arrowr.png Master In Slave Out
2 +5V Arrow.png target supply voltage
3 SCK Arrowl.png Serial Clock
4 MOSI Arrowl.png Master Out Slave In
5 RESET Arrowl.png target Reset
6 GND Arrow.png Signal ground

Note: Direction is target (CPU) relative programmer (PC)



Used to reset the target system under the PC's control.


The serial data clock


Master Out Slave In, used to send data from the PC (master) to the AVR (slave). Data is transmitted on the edges of SCK.


Master In Slave Out, used to send data from the AVR (master) to the PC (slave). Data is transmitted on the edges of SCK.


The PC makes this line high to indicate that programming is occuring. Not used in all systems.


Can be used either to provide power to the target system during programming, or for the programmer to draw power from the target system during programming. I use it to allow the programmer to draw power from the system.

